Copy comments from version to the next version
Katie Ried
Hey all, we're very excited to let you know that this update is now live in your Replay. You'll notice on the right rail that there is now a version dropdown. If you click that on an asset with multiple versions, you'll have the option to check "previous versions" which will display all previous unresolved comments.
Note that if you don't want people you share with to see all prior comments, you can turn this setting off in your sharing settings. Here's a video walking you through the new feature, but we hope this helps!
Akila Amaratunga - Dropbox Engineer
Merged in a post:
Display old feedback on new version of video.
Cường Trần
When customers check the new version.
They cannot see the old feedback (comments) and it is difficult to check if the feedback has been corrected.
Luke Peach
Voting on this: There needs to be a way to review and check off comments from the previous version while comparing to the new version
Katie Ried
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take back past review
Alfonso Solis
I would like to know if there's a way to turn back preview comments from one last review if the video was replaced with a new version already
Katie Ried
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Feedback transferable to new version
Lawrence Broadie
It would be really helpful to be able to look at (for example)
V01 feedback whilst watching V02 upload.
This would enable you to be able to properly review and confirm amends have been made.
It feels a really important tool.
Katie Ried
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Unresolved Feedback from v1 automatically transfers to v2
Howie Chin
I wonder if it's possible to trickle down unresolved feedback from v1 to v2.
Scenario :
Imagine revising v1 with 10 feedback. But there is only 8 you can revise and there is the other 2 feedback that is unable to be fixed.
Then you upload v2 to Replay, but the 2 unresolved feedback are still bound to v1 - it won't show up in v2.
So, if this is possible, v2 will automatically contain unresolved feedback from v1 and the editors can leave their notes on the v2 without needing producers to bounce back and forth with v1 to check. *hint, lesser bandwidth too
I hope that makes sense.
Thank you if this is taken into consideration.
Katie Ried
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Option to turn on comments for versions
James Lashmar
So for example, you create video V1. The client comes back with a bunch of comments, you update your video with this feedback and resolve these comments.
So you upload V2 with the amends. However, you can't see any comments that were made before to compare and contrast the video with. If you are to implement this functionality, say a switch/menu , something like 'see previous comments', then this would mean that the videos would need to be displayed with the comments with a version identifier too, i.e. V1.
This would be awesome along with the side-by-side mode detailed here.
Otherwise, we are just creating versions with no history and we have to jump back and forth between versions and it's a messy user flow.
Gavin G
The one challenging aspect of this are comments with timecode. If the edit/timing changes it won't be in the right place on the timeline. I do agree though that there should be a way to carry through unresolved comments.
Maybe copy a screenshot of the v1 In/Out points for the comment and carry that through but designate that the timecode is potentially no longer accurate with italics or something.
Extra bonus points if there was a way to review the I/O range as an animated gif on v#+1. So hover over the thumbnail and have a little popup gif that shows what the comment range originally looked like.
Extreme bonus points if you employed machine vision to identify the frame range and suggested a new updated timecode range in the new version that the old comment applied to.
James Lashmar
Gavin G: That should then be a new video IMO
Gavin G
James Lashmar: Versions would be meaningless if there are never edit/timing changes. That's most of the reason to have versions at all.
Howie Chin
Yes! Please make this will be very helpful for keeping track with the revisions.
With this, if the editor is unable to do a revision, they can leave a note based off the v1 feedback and they don't need to add a new feedback in v2.
Marcelo Soares
I believe it is essential! How to validate that all changes were made? Today we need to go in the previous version and copy all the changes to validate in the new version.
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