Compare versions side-by-side (like
Fraz C
Please add a version comparison feature.
The ability to play both video versions and compare side by side.
This makes it a lot easier to see changes.
If you just do it the same as that'd be perfect!
Katie Ried
Hey all! We appreciate all of your inputs and patience and are pleased to let you know that our first iteration of Version Comparison is now live for video/images for all Replay Add-On users. Here is a Capture explaining how it works. Please keep your feedback coming since we definitely have way more functionality we hope to add in the coming months.
Katie Ried
Emily Sheafe yes we do. The team has picked up this work now and we hope to have exciting updates for you soon. We appreciate your patience, we know this feature has been a highly requested one for a while. In the meantime, let us know if there are any specific things you'd want to see as a part of the version comparison.
Kaitlyn Cecchetti
Katie Ried: It'd be great to have a comparison option where you can have a split screen in the same frame, with a slide-able center line (like if you could move the red line in the image left or right, but without a red line there). Would be useful for comparing really subtle graphics changes, color correction, etc.
Emily Sheafe
Do we have any updates on this?
Katie Ried
in progress
Max Opamuratawongse
We're looking into this. Question for all, how often do you compare versions in your workflow?
Jonathan Reid
Max Opamuratawongse: everyday! No exaggeration
Diana Gladney
Max Opamuratawongse: It's a daily thing when working with my video editor to review video files. From color comparison changes to see before and after's when helping to dial in certain looks, ensuring certain errors noted for revision were actually corrected at the various time stamps (which is why the previous request to go between versions and stay at the same time stamp was requested) and overall to speed up the review process as a whole. Especially working with brands, they too need to be able to see these changes when working on video projects.
Nick Schneider
Max Opamuratawongse: We will have revisions requested often from clients, Max, and having the ability to compare versions side to side is an added value to them so that we can say "at 'A' point in time you wanted a change, and here it is so you can see what was done compared to the original."
Gavin G
Max Opamuratawongse: multiple times per day if there are multiple versions send out in a day. Gotta QC everything that goes to the client.
Mark Miller
Max Opamuratawongse: ALL the time. To comparar CG video renders and to compare AI photo outputs after tweaks and to compare different image restoration attempts. I’m comparing all day long.
Sébastien Howard
Max Opamuratawongse: All the time!!
Gavin G
Side by side and Difference Blend. This is really nice for playing back a video and only seeing what's changed. Really good review tool for making sure you only changed the things you meant to change.
Dylan Ostrow Nelson
Gavin G: Hi Gavin, thanks for your feedback. What do you mean by 'difference blend'? Is this a part of the side-by-side workflow, or something else?
Gavin G
Dylan Ostrow Nelson: Abs(layer1-layer2)
It's a blend mode that highlights pixels that change between versions.
It's the visual equivalent of a like git diff.
A side by side can catch a lot of things but subtle changes are hard to notice in a side by side but become super obvious in a difference. (Again, kind of like a git commit difference view vs opening two code files side by side.)
Filip Hostýnek
Yes please!
Mark Miller
Lol, just came here to make this exact title, down to "like"...even started to type it out before spotting this just to the right. Yes. Please.
JoAnn Chambers
Yes, this would be a great option to have