Move Comment Timestamp
under review
Katie Ried
Merged in a post:
Change TimeCode when you Edit a Comment
Ara Bozadjian
When we add comment feedback/changes to edits, we try to be very specific to the Frame. Sometimes you'll leave a Comment then realise it's a few Frames out, often because you want to type the Comment immediately but that moment has passed.
When you then go to Edit that Comment, would be great if you had the option to adjust the Timecode. I can't see how it's possible atm without copy/pasting then deleting original Comment.
Could be in a few ways:
- New Action to 'Edit Timecode' - that way it's very clear we just want to change where this comment has been left.
- 'Action' » 'Edit' then
i. type new TimeCode
ii. use up/down arrow keys to nudge 1 frame at a time
iii. drag user avatar on timeline
Carlo Garcia
"We version up videos constantly, they have comments from requesters, if we version up and copy comments over, they are now out of place due to timing changes. Can click on the comment and initiate a "slipping" feature? So I can slip the comment back 5 seconds and re-align it"
Katie Ried
Merged in a post:
Let me move comments!
Arthur Bueno
It's really annoying that I cannot shift a comment a bit. If I think it fits better on another moment. I have to copy the text, delete the comment, make a new comment, and paste the text. It feels so much like unfinished software.
Katie Ried
under review
Alan Rogers
Hi Jenna, We just released some new draft comment functionality... We now show a draft comment marker on the timeline, and you can n move it to the right location before posting it. Let us know if it works for you!
Katie Ried
in progress
ali hussen
Katie Ried
Katie Ried
Jenna Tishler apologies for our delay in replying but stay tuned, we should have an exciting update for you soon on this!