Drawing tools suggestion
Alby Barber
Hey all - I'm glad that Replay is progressing monthly.
Idea regarding your drawing tools: would it be possible to add outlined polygons like circles, squares and arrows in addition to the pencil tool? The pencil tool is great for telestrating but having the shapes would help key in on details.
Katie Ried
Hi All, at this time we are updating this ticket's status because it is not one that we will be tackling in 2024. We will be sure to provide updates on this thread as we pick up this work so please stay tuned here for the latest information. Thanks for your ideas and for using Replay!
Akila Amaratunga - Dropbox Engineer
Merged in a post:
Need basic drawing tools like Skitch for Evernote had
Alexander Kaplan
Need basic shapes you can resize and arrows that you can pull around rather than drawing all these things by hand all of the time. It's a time saver and also makes the commenting look alot neater.
Alexander Kaplan
Agree Skitch style drawing tools are really a necessity
Katie Ried
Merged in a post:
Drawing tools: eraser
Melissa Graziano
It's fantastic to be able to draw on the video, but to delete the drawing our only options are "undo" or "delete entire drawing". It would be fantastic to have an eraser option. Bonus points for having the option of erasing part of a line (more like a normal eraser) or the entire vetctor line.
Katie Ried
Merged in a post:
Drawing Tools
Sydnie Chin
Being able to edit the drawing after a comment is posted would be a game changer, especially if there's an eraser tool.
Would also be incredibly helpful to be able to make squares/circles for marking up images
Olivia Newport
Would love to have the ability to draw a nice box or circle on footage rather than freehand (because I am an artist and perfectionist and I spend too long making lines straight).
Emily Sheafe
Olivia Newport for now you can hold the SHIFT key down and it will create a straight line similar to photoshop. But agree we need shapes :D
Katie Ried
under review
Ross Killeen
It would be amazing to have the drawing tools available on mobile version